Saturday, January 30, 2010


#1. When I think about how to help other people and focus on being helpful and serving them, I am so much happier. (Obvious I know but I still am just barely realizing that)
#2. Forgiving is much harder than apologizing but it is almost more rewarding in a way.
#3. Obedience to my parents is very important to me.
#1. Where is all this sudden romance coming from in my group of friends? It seems like it is everywhere but maybe it is just in my head.
#2. Why is February going to be so eventful? It usually is so boring.
#3. Why is Valentines Day even celebrated?
#1. Under Pressure by David Bowie and Queen is a classy song.
#2. I struggle with afternoon church...I will try to be more positive about it.
#3. I am loving seminary right now! I am learning so much

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The MANn

Warning, my broadway nerd is about to manifest itself...
Ok do you ever hear a voice that captures you fancy immediately? A voice that is low and powerful? A voice that is low but still manages to belt out high last notes? A voice that makes a character come alive? This my friends is my HERO Terrence Mann. He is a broadway star that has played 3 very important and demanding roles: Javert from Les Miserables, Chauvelin from Scarlet Pimpernel and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. I am flat out in love with his voice. In fact I wish I had his voice (I know it is a weird ambition since I am a girl)! It gives me this chills when I hear him sing. He is truly amazing!

The Beast...


Thursday, January 7, 2010

But Why?

Just sending these out in the vast void...

--Why an would you have an accordion player at your wedding? And why would you give out ornaments that are shaped like an accordion with your names on it? Why is this accordion symbolic?
--Why do I get so jealous, when I know I have no reason to be?
--Why does she feel the need to make choir feel like Sunday School?
--Why is it that I can memorize broadway and movies facts better than my art history flashcards?
--Why do James Taylor songs make me feel nostalgic?
--Why is it that no matter how hard you try not to get attached, people end up charming you anyways?
--Why did I not discover how awesome Cat Stevens is before this?!
--Why does Mickey a MOUSE have a Pluto a DOG for a pet?
--Why are they making a My Fair Lady with Kierra Knightley?
--Why is it that some peoples smiles can change your whole day?
--Why don't they just get married...TOMORROW?
--Why "Friends Forever" for graduation, WHY?
--Why does pellet ice make soda taste way better than regular?
--Why is David Bowie still so cool even though he is a so strange?
--Why can the world never know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
--Why are Snuggies so comfortable?
--Why can't I speak out in English discussions?
--Why is it if he says it she doesn't get mad, but if I said it she would kill me?
--Why did the Beatles break up and why does no body appreciate the musical brilliance of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
--Why do I want to be an Opera singer?
--Why do I get along so well with 5 and 6 year olds?
--Why am I afraid of rollercoasters?
--Why is there a state named Washington and a City? That is just confusing!