Saturday, August 8, 2009

Is Anyone Home Up There?

Remember how I am sometimes not very smart? Oh here is a good one...(Megan please don't tell Mom and Dad this story, they will make me feel even more stupid and irresponsible) So I recently received my Drivers License (FINALLY) and I have thoroughly enjoyed driving home from work the past 3 nights. So tonight I was driving along, blasting my show tunes if you wanted to know, and suddenly a cop turns on his lights behind me. I panicked, what in the heck did I do? I know I was going the speed limit, nothing illegal that I knew of. I pulled over and tried very hard to remain calm as the Police officer approached my window, I thought I might pee my pants or even burst into tears. "Here's the thing," he said intimidatingly "I will let you go...If you turn on your lights." WOW. That was probably the dumbest thing I have ever done. Who forgets to turn on their lights when driving at night? Me apparently. So anyways I played the dumb card "Oh right... sorry!" I said in my girly blonde voice and drove away quickly (but of course going the speed limit). I feel really dumb but I decided to post this story in order to learn to laugh at myself...haha, it was pretty funny!


Mabs said...

pah! hehehe! sarah! Your first encounter. i'm so proud of you! haha. did i tell you i got pulled over once? no i wasn't speeding either, i was doing everything right, i just i wish i could say that about my BROTHER who thought sticking his head way out of the window would be great. the police didn't think so. my brother didn't have his seatbelt on either. :( it was a scary experience... but i try... to laugh about it... sniff. hehe

Sarah Jane said...

Hehehe! That is awesome! I am glad someone else has experiences like that in life!

amy pace said...

oh my goodness, that is the funniest thing i have heard all day! sarah jane, i am surprised you didn't actually pea your pants cause i probably would have. i am glad you are alright though!

Megan said...

Wow I can't even say anything else. Wow.