#1. When I think about how to help other people and focus on being helpful and serving them, I am so much happier. (Obvious I know but I still am just barely realizing that)
#2. Forgiving is much harder than apologizing but it is almost more rewarding in a way.
#3. Obedience to my parents is very important to me.
#1. Where is all this sudden romance coming from in my group of friends? It seems like it is everywhere but maybe it is just in my head.
#2. Why is February going to be so eventful? It usually is so boring.
#3. Why is Valentines Day even celebrated?
#1. Under Pressure by David Bowie and Queen is a classy song.
#2. I struggle with afternoon church...I will try to be more positive about it.
#3. I am loving seminary right now! I am learning so much
Okay can I just tell you that I re-discovered Under Pressure a few weeks ago. It's definitely a favorite! David Bowie is a musical genius. Also, Did you know that Vanilla Ice got a lot of flack for Ice Ice Baby because it sounds like Under Pressure. Just a fun side note.
Love you!
sarah jane.
can i just say i love you?
i do.
the end. :)
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