Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Goodbye to life as a Freshman!

Well I did it...I finished my first year of college! I had so much fun at Utah State, I had awesome roommates, great classes and always something to keep me occupied! I am actually looking forward to next year!

Looking back on this year away from home, I am so grateful for all that I have learned! I am not claiming to have learned everything or that I still don't struggle with the things I have learned but I know that Heavenly Father really knew what to throw at me and what I needed to learn. Here are a few of the things I have learned:
--I have learned that caring about others makes me happier. If I was paying attention to my roommates needs and cheering them on I was so much happier than if I was only focusing on my own needs.
--I learned to take initiative. Before I went to school I would just wait for things to happen to me, or better yet wait around for someone else to do it for me! I have gotten more "guts" and gone for things that would have scared me! Even stupid things like calling the Dr. on my own or asking someone to accompany me, were terrifying before! Now I have been better at just putting myself out there and being a little braver.
--I learned to be better at making time for prayer and scripture study...I still definitely have my nights when I fall asleep or I forget but I have seen that when I did make a serious effort to do both, everything would go better.
--I learned that when people say it is cold in Logan...they are NOT just being dramatic!
--I learned that your roommates can be your family! You can trust them and it is good to share things with them!
--I learned how much I appreciate my family! Their support was alway constant and I always loved the phone calls, rides up, and visits that they gave! I especially learned that my mom does so much and is so good to me. I can't tell you how many times I would call her in tears and she would cheer me up!
--I learned that I love to sing and I want to go for it!!!!
--I learned that writing letters is fun but getting letters can make a bad day the best day ever!
--Deciding to be positive...makes a big difference!
--I learned to be a little bit braver socially. I mean I still can be really shy but I feel like I tried really hard in my classes to to talk and get to know people. Haha, I probably should have tried harder with the interesting people living in San Juan hall but oh well!

I am just really grateful for the experiences that I have had this year! It has been a blast!


Bailey said...

Ohh that is so fun! It sounds like you had an amazing year! I hope I get to see you this summer so we can catch up on life! Love you sarah jane!

Mabs said...

You are amazing Sarah! I cannot wait to come to all your concerts at Utah State where you become famous. :) Love ya hun!
Also I apologize for my lack of visiting you, when you were sooo close. But I am happy for the times we did see each other. :)

Mostafa said...


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