Sarah: "Em I am eating some of your dried apples...they are so delicious."
Emilee: "No problem...they are kinda of chewy though."
Sarah: "Well fun fact about me...I like chewy apples!"
Ever since this conversation my roommates and I have taken to sharing "Fun Facts" about ourselves at random times...or sharing fun facts about each other. It made me think that what the world needs is more FUN FACTS. I mean people act like they are so boring and ordinary...why don't we celebrate what makes us...WEIRD or QUIRKY...or something other than "Hi my name is Sarah and I like to sing." BORING. I want to know things about people that make them fun and interesting...not just the basics that you could gather from a first meeting. Why is it that we feel the need to not share random things? Why is it that if we step outside of the bounds of "My major is..." "I am this old..." "I have this many siblings...." "Blah....blah...blah...blah...BLAH!" people think it is strange. I mean don't get me wrong the basics are important too! I wish that everyone had a little screen floating above their heads that just had random facts about them on it. How entertaining would that be? Fun fact about Bobby he hates even numbers. Or fun fact about Susie: she knows all the words to 99 Red Balloons in German. Now I've just got to invent a floating screen type device...Possible? Maybe.
Fun Fact about me...this is the kind of thing I think about in my spare time....
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