Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You Know You are in Logan When...

You see a tiny white truck carting around a GIANT wooden cow in it's bed (With blue spots of course)!

You change clothes at least three times a day because suddenly it is either too hot or too cold.

(Along with the previous) You check the weather and it says that the high is 80 and the low 40.

You see black crows everywhere...slightly terrifying.

You only encouter one stop light on your ten minute walk to school.

The wind is so strong you can't walk against it.

Your bishop says watermAlon.

You see someone dressed in full on cowboy gear heading to class.



Bailey said...

Ha ha! What a great list. I think I need to come visit Logan soon!

ang said...

All of this is so TRUE and funny because it's true. have you considered becoming a stand up comedian? I think you'd be great!