Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sarah Jane's Got the Yips

Psych is my favorite TV Show...honestly. I can't help but crack up every time I watch it. There is one episode where Shawn does not have his usual "A" game....He calls it the yips. It makes him choke and make mistakes and mess up where he normally wouldn't. You could call it nerves, I guess or "having an off day" or STRUGGLES but I prefer using the YIPS. And that my friends is what I currently have.

Aural skills used to be a breeze for me. I would get up sing and only make little mistakes. I mean don't get me wrong I practiced a lot and got nervous in that class till the last weeks of the semester but somehow I always pulled through. Now something has gone wrong, I have gotten the yips. For some reason, intervals are suddenly painfully difficult to find, conducting is a spazzy little dance and solfege gets stuck in my throat. I feel unbalanced in that class. Maybe my Chi isn't in the right place. So far I have not done well at all and I still try hard and practice and all that jazz...So I blame the YIPS. And I am asking them to PLEASE PLEASE go away.


amy pace said...

oh my goodness! i love psych too! i watch it online when i am bored and it is so funny! so many good one-liners!

Bailey said...

Wow! I love that phrase... "Yips" haha
Good luck in that class Sarah Jane. You can do it!

Julia Marshall said...

Hahahahahahaha I love this post.

However, you never made ANY mistakes in Aural skills! And I'm sure you're still amazing. But if you're not, you will be SOON! Do it for Brandon!!