Friday, October 24, 2008

A Hairless Rapunzel

Is it important to have hair to play Rapunzel? I would say the answer to that would be yes. At our final dress rehearsal on Tuesday this week, Bailey and I were laughing because we counted the attempts to find me an appropriate wig. Up to Tuesday night there were five attempts and still no decision on what I would be doing with my hair. 

Attempt #1. Renting the Wig from Pioneer Theater Company. This idea became quickly squashed after we actually saw the wig (and after I had brushed out all 12 feet of it!)
Attempt #2. Use my real hair and find a way to attach the long piece from PTC to it. That got dashed straight away.
Attempt #3. Buy a 250 dollar wig from a wig shop that could be braided. It turns out the wig couldn't be braided. There goes that idea.
Attempt #4. Borrow the long braided wig from Hillcrest (who did Into the Woods ten years ago). I am pretty sure the wig had dust mites in it....gross.... In the end we did not like the top piece it attached to.
Attempt #5. Getting a braided short wig from the wig place for the top piece and using Hillcrest's braid for the bottom piece. No way Jose.

And so finally we have arrived at attempt #6 which took place on Wednesday for the parent preview: Use my own hair on top and connect it to the braid from Hillcrest (after we brushed it out and made it look pretty of course) My mom was able to find a way to attach it with velcro and the director ended up really liking it. I was so happy with the final attempt and I am glad it passed the directors inspection because I don't know what we would have done. This week the "wig situation" was a source of frustration to me and now looking back on it I think it is hilarious!!! Good times in the play...

(Bay Girl's wig count on the board in the drama room. Hahahaha...Oh good times)

Saturday, October 11, 2008


A terrible thing has happened...My beloved Elvis Presley 30th anniversary shirt (all the way from Graceland baby!) has gone missing! I cannot find it anywhere and I am worried that I left it in Lake Powell! AHHH! So depressing was this event that I have decided to write an Ode to my shirt...Here goes:

Me and My Elvis Shirt made a great pair,
On T-Shirt Fridays people would stop and stare.
My Elvis shirt made my heart feel happy
and was not at all sappy.
So many good times were had 
and I am just a tad mad
Oh Elvis Shirt come home soon
or I will feel like a loon...

Ok so I am not a poet but I felt some tribute is necessary! That shirt meant a lot! 
P.S. Elvis Presley why did you have to die?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sarah,Sarah,Sarah, Mara,Terra...

Not that I don't love my name...but wow! TOO many people are named Sarah. To be honest it is slightly ridiculous. I had never noticed how many Sarah's there are until 7th grade when there were seven Sarah's in my choir (4 of which were in the second soprano section alone). I also noticed when there just happened to be 5 in my orchestra class as well. At this point I became bored with my name, not that I don't love it ( I mean how could I not love a name that means princess) but I was hearing it all the time. Speed time up just 4 short years and now I am in the same situation. This year in the musical there are 6 Sarah's. AHHHHH! hehehehe! We always laugh because there are 3 Sarah leads plus a Mara and a Terra... a lot of rhyming going on. I guess what I am trying to say is that I love my name and am proud to be one of the many Sarah's in the world... but at times like this I would love to have a random name like Shannequa that not many people have! I even appreciate the slight different variation of Sarah Jane. That brings so much joy! I am seriously considering making a legal change to Sarah Jane....or even Shannequa....

(The three lead Sarah's....and Adam)