Attempt #1. Renting the Wig from Pioneer Theater Company. This idea became quickly squashed after we actually saw the wig (and after I had brushed out all 12 feet of it!)
Attempt #2. Use my real hair and find a way to attach the long piece from PTC to it. That got dashed straight away.
Attempt #3. Buy a 250 dollar wig from a wig shop that could be braided. It turns out the wig couldn't be braided. There goes that idea.
Attempt #4. Borrow the long braided wig from Hillcrest (who did Into the Woods ten years ago). I am pretty sure the wig had dust mites in it....gross.... In the end we did not like the top piece it attached to.
Attempt #5. Getting a braided short wig from the wig place for the top piece and using Hillcrest's braid for the bottom piece. No way Jose.
And so finally we have arrived at attempt #6 which took place on Wednesday for the parent preview: Use my own hair on top and connect it to the braid from Hillcrest (after we brushed it out and made it look pretty of course) My mom was able to find a way to attach it with velcro and the director ended up really liking it. I was so happy with the final attempt and I am glad it passed the directors inspection because I don't know what we would have done. This week the "wig situation" was a source of frustration to me and now looking back on it I think it is hilarious!!! Good times in the play...
(Bay Girl's wig count on the board in the drama room. Hahahaha...Oh good times)