Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sarah,Sarah,Sarah, Mara,Terra...

Not that I don't love my name...but wow! TOO many people are named Sarah. To be honest it is slightly ridiculous. I had never noticed how many Sarah's there are until 7th grade when there were seven Sarah's in my choir (4 of which were in the second soprano section alone). I also noticed when there just happened to be 5 in my orchestra class as well. At this point I became bored with my name, not that I don't love it ( I mean how could I not love a name that means princess) but I was hearing it all the time. Speed time up just 4 short years and now I am in the same situation. This year in the musical there are 6 Sarah's. AHHHHH! hehehehe! We always laugh because there are 3 Sarah leads plus a Mara and a Terra... a lot of rhyming going on. I guess what I am trying to say is that I love my name and am proud to be one of the many Sarah's in the world... but at times like this I would love to have a random name like Shannequa that not many people have! I even appreciate the slight different variation of Sarah Jane. That brings so much joy! I am seriously considering making a legal change to Sarah Jane....or even Shannequa....

(The three lead Sarah's....and Adam)

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