Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Fifty Yard Line Oath

Tonight a few of my friends and I ended up at the football field. We went to surprise a friend who was running around the track and afterwards ended up running around the field. I felt better than I have felt in a while and couldn't understand why, then I came to this conclusion: For the past little while I have been worrying about things that seemed so important that really aren't. I had been letting a stupid boy ruin my confidence and ease at school and I decided that I was done letting it get to me. What is the point in waiting around and being sad? Being on the field was strangely therapeutic (which is weird because this boy happens to be a football player) and I was able to just let it go. I was able to believe the things people had been saying to me like "he doesn't deserve you" and "it is good that you stuck up for what you believed in." I finally came to a realization that even though what I had done was hard, I HAD done what was right.

This small group of friends huddled around the fifty yard line and each put a foot on the line. We all went around and told everyone goals that we really want to accomplish this month. I had two #1. To not over stress about school, work and the musical and to take the time to really enjoy it! and #2 To have the confidence and ease that I used to have. The amazing sense of support and love in that circle was amazing. I am glad that I have friends that I can share goals with and that I know they will support me!

When thinking of something deep to say my friend Bailey profoundly said "Curly fries are Arby's gift to the world." Hehehe, next time we make an oath on the fifty yard line we are definitely bringing curly fries!

"A friend is someone who knows who you are-But loves you anyway."


Bailey said...

Well, curly fries really ARE Arbys gift to the world! Love ya G.

Megan said...

Sarah I am so glad that you have found a group of friends that you feel that at ease with. Maybe now you have an idea of how I feel about my friends. They are what get me through the stresses in life. You are so blessed don't ever forget that.

Mabs said...

ooh! what a perfect night that certainly was! i'm so happy i was there and i hope it happens again soon!! which of course it will! ;) remember that other chat we had? hehe! love you!

Gretel said...

hey i thought this was to be a monthly tradition? what happened i say we go in our snow pants and coats. unbury the 50 yard line and keep the traditions going! ( i was going to say we need to renew our vows... but that doesn't quite fit here.)