Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Songs that should NEVER be played...

Now don't get me wrong...I love me some Christmas time! I love the annual cousin's sleepover, the music, the family traditions, the movies, the smell of the tree, the presents, the nativity story etc etc. But there are just some songs I can NOT tolerate at me heartless or a Grinch but here they are:
1. Grown Up Christmas List...Enough said.
2. The Christmas Shoes...."So I laid the money down!" Too dramatic, I mean it has a great message but it's just overplayed to the point where it is now just cheesy.
3. O Holy Night...No one should sing this song, not in church, not in the shower...Nowhere!
4. Mary Did You Know...especially if Donny Osmond is singing it.
5. Santa Baby...that's just sick.
6.Feliz Navidad...We get it the point but yet the song keeps on going and going and GOING.
7. Breath of Heaven...Over played
8. Feed the World...I don't know if that's what it is called but it's the one that's like "Do they know it's Christmas time at all" and it is so repetitive and annoying and every time I get in the car it is playing.
9. Any Christmas song but Kenny G, Gloria Estefan or Michael Bolton

But Hey! White Christmas never gets old,Silent Night never fails to give me the chills and Elvis's Blue Christmas is my alarm in the mornings! So there are some songs I still like ;)

P.S. My Dad and I made a gingerbread version of Graceland...Check it out.


Bailey said...

I AGREE ABOUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE SONGS GIRL!! haha oh bless them. love your gingerbread house by the way!

amy pace said...

dearest sarah jane,

i agree on all....except oh holy night. that is a beautiful song! but don't worry, i still love ya!

yours truly,

Julia Marshall said...

I whole heartedly agree with every single one of those!!!! We should petition.