Monday, June 27, 2011

"I'm going to ask Mr. Knightley to teach me Chinese!"

As you all know, I love the movies... Old, New, Musical, Romantic Comedy, ANYTHING. One of my favorite things about the movies is it gives us a chance to look at other peoples qualities and actions and apply them to ourselves and our own lives. Whether the characters be fiction or not, I find myself always relating to them. I know it is probably silly and maybe I need to find a hobby but I can't help seeing myself as those characters, acting as they do, reacting as they do, having the same flaws they do etc.
Recently I have been watching Emma (the BBC version, although I do love the Gwenyth Paltrow version just as much!) I find that I am very like her! Hahaha, FAULTS and all! Her stubborn way of arguing, her ranting, her way of fantasying things, her silliness, how she meddles in other peoples business and SASS!

That means, I need a man in my life like this...

Someone sensible. Someone not afraid to tell me when I am being ridiculous. Someone who loves me despite my childishness but will still make me better. (Not to mention good looking and British)

Well a girl can dream!!!

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