Friday, July 10, 2009

The Twin-er GUYS

Here are some priceless videos of my 5 year old cousins Seth and Jack dancing and singing! Maybe I just think they are funny because I know them! Oh Ya! And their older brother Ben ripping his shirt off...Don't ask...


Megan said...

Okay so that is the most priceless video of Seth we've ever made. How firm a foundation mm mm mm mm mm LORD. Love it. I'm glad you got them to work. Hey where's the Jedi song?

Sarah Jane said...

Haha I was so frustrated that these took so long to load but maybe I will try the Jedi Knight one later...

amy pace said...

well sarah jane, i hate to admit this but i think they are the better singers and dancers. could you try and improve your skill a bit more before the musical or vicky b. might have to replace ya, ha ha!

ang said...

my favorite was the dancing one. the seductive look in his eyes, the background laughter, and the start of crying before it cut off. hilarious.