Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peace. Love. Snowshoe

I collect hobbies like I collect Beatles collectables. I think I have found a new one that I thoroughly enjoy...Snowshoeing. My sister Lindsayand I went yesterday and I loved it. I want my own pair so that I can go hiking all year long. I feel weird liking something so soon after trying it. It was just a mile or two on a fairly well groomed trail but it was a blast and so beautiful. I decided I could actually enjoy the outdoors and I really like the people you run into while your out and about. You know what I mean...the "outdoorsey"people. They are so friendly and happy, it must be the endorphins or something. They all said hi and will chit-chat with you and they didn't judge us even though most of them didn't even need snowshoes. There were some funny people...or just crazy people...like the man in his shorts and t-shirt who was running the snowy trail with his dog. Or the lady who was throwing a stick to her dog practically off the side of the mountain.

I hope to be able to go again soon!

1 comment:

ang said...

This makes me determined to try snowshoeing someday soon. By saying "someday" I'm giving myself room for procrastination. :)